Index for words including 溝


Ditch, Moat, Drain, Channel (Facilitating Flow), Waterway

Word Links for words containing 溝 (sorted via character pairs)

溝 gou¯
Ditch, Moat, Drain, Channel (Facilitating Flow), Waterway

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


溝通 Communicate with, Talk with or to

間的溝通 Inter communication

欲與她溝通 Wants to communicate with her

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her


二頭肌溝 Bicepital Groove


股溝 Thigh Groove, Inguinal crease

股溝 Inguinal, Inguinal Groove

股溝韌帶 Inguinal Ligament


陰溝 Ditch, Sewer

把我踢進陰溝 Kick me into a ditch, Threw me into the gutter


水溝 Ditch, Drain, Gutter

水溝裡尿溼自己 Pissing oneself in a gutter, Pissing yourself in a gutter


代溝 Generation gap


深溝 Pit, Deep ditch, Deep trench, Deep gutter, Void

丟過空蕩蕩的深溝 Throw across the empty pit

深溝邊緣 Edge of the pit

深溝邊緣的矮牆上 At the low wall at the edge of the pit, On the low wall at the pit's edge

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