Index for words including 離


Separate, Move Apart, Away From, Depart, Leave, Go Away, Fire

Word Links for words containing 離 (sorted via character pairs)

離 liˊ
Separate, Move Apart, Away From, Depart, Leave, Go Away, Fire

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


離日落大道只有一街之遙 One block from Sunset Boulevard


離開 Leave, Separate, Move away from, Get away, Get away from

離開 While about to leave

離開 Then leave

離開 Just leaving, Was just leaving

離開 Hasn't left

加速離開 Accelerate away from, Accelerated away from

沒辦法離開 Could not leave

空著手離開 Leave empty handed

能隨意離開 Can leave at will, Iss able to leave at will

請他們離開 Dismissed them, Invited them to leave

要到明天才會離開 Won't leave until tomorrow

離開 Left

離開 Before leaving

離開 Leave home

離開 After leaving

離開 Don't leave me

離開 Before leaving

離開 Then left

他們離開 They left

加速離開 While accelerating away, While accelerating away from

在組員離開 After the crew had left

永遠不會離開 Would never leave

離開之前 Before leaving

離開地面 Lift off of the ground, Lift up, Lift

離開房間 Left the room

離開那裡 Get out of there, Leave that place

離開了人群 Left the crowd, Separated from the crowd

徒步離開她家 Walking from her house, Walking away from her house

最後一員離開視線 The last of them slipped out of sight

帶他們離開了圖書館 Leading them away from the library, Led them away from the library

等他們的最後一員離開視線後 Waiting till the last of them slipped out of sight

他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man


離婚 Divorce

離婚 Newly divorced, Had just got divorced

她剛離婚 She'd recently divorced


離鄉背井 Live far from home, Travel to distant lands, Exile, Ex-patriot


離子 Ion

離子 Argon

離子 Complex ion

離子引擎 Ion engine


站得離他那麼近 Stood so close to him, Was standing so close to him


離譜 Outrageous

不論錯得多離譜 No matter how wrong


離家 Apart from one's family

離家 You have been apart from your family

離家不遠的地點 At a location close to home

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home


離島 Outlying islands


離心分離機 Centrifuge


離合 Clutch

悲歡離合 Joys and sorrows

離合器片 Clutch plate

離合器線 Clutch cable


從不離火 Never leaving the fire, Never left the fire


離不 Can't do without


離職 Resign


離去 Leave

等他們離去 After they left, After they were gone


離地 Lift up, Lift off the ground, Lift off of the ground

離地面多遠 How far off the ground, How far from the ground


離表情嚴肅起來 Get serious, Got serious, Became serious, Got a serious look


離奇 Weird, Strange, Crazy, Fantastic, Intriguing, Odd, Uncanny

離奇事件 Weird events, Crazy shit

離奇效率 Uncanny efficiency


離世 Die


距離 Distance apart, Amount of separation, Range, Distance, Distance between, How close or far

距離 Short distance, Close range

距離 Equidistance, Equal distance

距離 Up close, Nearby

保持距離 Maintain distance, Maintain separation

遠的距離 Distance

每隔一段距離 A set distance apart, At regular intervals

蠻長一段距離 Quite a distance, Quite a ways

那麼遠的距離 That far a distance, That great a distance, That much distance

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit

距離拉近 Approach, Come closer

現在距離拉近 Had approached, Had come closer

距離某個 A certain distance

距離過遠 Distance, Too far away

距離和方位 Range and bearing, Range and azimuth, Distance and bearing, Distance and azimuth

距離戰鬥 Close combat, Hand-to-hand combat

距離傳送 Teleportation

相機的距離變更 Camera distance changes, Distance to camera changes

距離安全那麼近 That close to safety, So close to safety

距離看過他們 Saw them up close

距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal

距離可不短 Not a short distance

從上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop


脫離 Severe a relationship, Get away from, Break away

脫離現實 Divorced from reality

脫離關係 Severe relations, Divorce, Disown


隔離 Quarantine

把染病的人完全隔離 Put infected person in complete quarantine, Put any infected people in complete quarantine

隔離 Quarantine area


弧離 PhyrePhox


駛離 Drive further away (from)


瑣尾流離 Begin an endeavour happily but have it end in failure


游離 Free, Liberated, Ionization

游離組織胺 Free hystamines

游離 Ionosphere

游離 Ionization energy


撲朔迷離 Androgynous, Vague, Ambiguous, Confusing


逃離 Flee, Flees, Fleeing, Fled, Escape, Escapes, Escaping, Escaped

逃離險境 Out of danger, Escape a dangerous situation

逃離 Fled

逃離 Fled to, Runaway to


遠離 Away, Away from

遠離俗界 Aloof from the crowd, Hold oneself distant

遠離塵囂 Far from the annoying crowd

遠離烈酒 Stay away from alcohol

立刻遠遠離開牆邊 Moved away from the edge


分離 Separate (from)

離心分離 Centrifuge


形影不離 Inseparable


背離 Deviate from, Depart from


抽離 Withdraw, Separate, Pull away (from), Detach (from)

抽離現實 Withdraw from reality

自己抽離現實 Withdrawing oneself from reality


搬離 Haul, Haul away, Haul away from, Carry away from

把行李搬離 Haul luggage way from, Carry luggage from


撤離 Evacuate, Evacuation

將軍隊撤離 Order army to evacuate

撤離 While evacuating

但在撤離 But while evacuating, But during the evacuation

撤離送醫 Medical evacuation, Evacuate to a hospital


帶離 Takes away, Carries away (from)

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